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Access the Dales is amazing and thanks to them I was able to hire a tramper to go in the hills. they have hubs available throughout yorkshire, they hire them for free and ask for donations.  This hub is a working farm  and has 2 routes available which can be done during the time you hire the tramper. 

The Hub also has a accessible cottage to hire so lease check them out.

👩‍🦽Mobility scooter required for this walk as its up hill on uneven ground. Bpoking is required through Access the Dales.

🅿️Tebay CA10 3XZ

🏔️Powson Knott 374m but actual ascent was 205m

🚻Closed toilets are at the services Tebay Services 5 minutes down the road.

☕Cafe at Tebay Services

🥾4 miles to do both of the routes given to you on arrival

Starting from the farm, head  down to the fork in the track. Turning  right the track continues up pass the farm and continues out onto the fells. 

Beware there is livestok on the fells so take care both cattle and fell ponies.

The track is rough and in places it is bumpy but the tramper manages fine, here is a point to turn around  on this walk just at the end of this track however for the more experienced driver, it is possible to come off the bridleway and climb to Powson Knott which is what we did, the path is faint  but the tramper managed ok navigating the bog, we did walk it in Spring after a wet couple of weeks.

Turn back the same way if you choose and do walk 2.

The path is well trodden once your on it, care is needed though for boggy ground and pot holes, the tramper managed fine and any steeper sections i zig zagged up the fell side. It felt great to be here, so remote with amazing views.

The views from the summit are amazing, even more so when you havent been able to get in the hills since I havent  been able to walk. We stopped at the summit for a while just taking in the views. We returned back the same way towards the farm to pick up the path for walk 2.

This  route is a short but beautiful little walk to the pack horse bridge. The route follows a series of well defined tracks, series of small waterfalls behind the bridge.

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